Whether you’re looking to recoup some expenses of old IT assets, or implement a custom recycling program, The Wireless Alliance is your solution. TWA’s industry experience, device diagnostic and resale process means you will receive above market value for your wireless devices and other IT assets.
Since 2001 The Wireless Alliance has worked with thousands of companies across the United States. We have helped them recover Millions of dollars for their old wireless devices.
Our streamlined logistics and warehouse system allows us to process 5 or 5,000 devices without deviating from our normal work flow and procedures. This allows us to efficiently and securely process your devices and produce the reporting and settlements you need.
Key Features of Our Corporate Buyback & Recycling Program
Fast, simple solution to recover the value of your organizations wireless devices and IT assets.
Efficient, secure data sanitation in accordance to R2v3 and NIST Standards.
Online reporting provides information on Make, Model, value, and condition of devices.
Certificate of Recycling and Data Destruction provided.
IMEI/ESN/Serial number logs available for clients needing this level of detail.
Shipping and collection materials provided at no cost to you.
Prepaid shipping labels or freight pickups provided at no cost to you.