The Wireless Alliance offers advanced point of sale trade-in services for retailers and repair centers.
Web Based system – nothing to install
ALL cell phones have value – no $0 phones
Simple device evaluation means less errors
Competitive Pricing
Rapid Payment
Custom Branded to your company
Are you a current PYD customer?
Visit to login
Our web based trade-in system allows any wireless store to make trade-in’s available to customers using a simple 4 step process.
Have a website? The Wireless Alliance offers a trade-in widget that can be seamlessly embedded in your website, allowing you to capture trades after the customer has left your store. Contact us more for information.

Custom branded to your company, you can quote a price for any phone brought in by your customer.
Using a simple login and model search, within seconds you can issue store credits to your customers, or simply receive cash for customers’ old equipment.