For every million cellphones that are recycled, 35,274 pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, 75 pounds of gold and 33 pounds of palladium can be recovered. – E.P.A.
The Wireless Alliance processes and recycles over 3 million devices each year.
We at The Wireless Alliance accept environmental responsibility for our activities and processes. We are committed to sound environmental practices and the prevention of pollution.
The Wireless Alliance is a zero-waste facility and is I
R2v3, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, and ISO 9001:2015 certified.
Our policy for managing used and end-of-life electronic equipment is based on a “reuse, recover, dispose” hierarchy of responsible management strategies.
The Wireless Alliance is committed to protecting the environment by keeping wireless waste out of our landfills, and to the review and continual improvement of our EHSMS and activities to minimize impact on the environment.
How Does My Device Get Recycled?
All devices are tested and scrubbed of customer data in preparation for reuse. Working, tested, data cleared devices are sold to repair centers worldwide for refurbishment and reuse. Devices that cannot be reused are shredded and sent for precious metal recovery. For more detailed information on The Wireless Alliance downstream, please download our Vendor Information Packet.
By recycling cell phones, you are helping the environment through landfill reduction, keeping water clean, and reducing the demand for mining of new material and resources necessary to produce phones.